Saturday, January 28, 2017


What is Contemporary Latin Music?
Contemporary Latin music is a type of modern music that comes from Latin America in places such as the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking areas of South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. This type of music has origins from Africa, Southern Europe, and the native cultures of Latin America.

What is Ragtime?
Ragtime is a style of music that is mostly written to be played on the piano. It involves the use of both hands, both with distinct roles. The left-hand is used to keep a steady pulse throughout the piece and takes the role of providing choral accompaniment. The right-hand usually has a more intricate rhythm which is often syncopated. This type of music originated in the U.S. and was influenced by African music.

The following investigation will explore the following musical links between Scott Joplin's, "The Entertainer" and Arturo Márquez's, "Danzón No. 2":

  • Rhythm
  • Structure
  • Texture

    (Courtesy of:

    (Courtesy of:

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